If any of the bags arrive damaged and product is missing then the purchaser is required to provide photos showing the damage within 24 hours of receiving the goods. If bags are damaged upon delivery then we ask for the purchaser to sign for it as ‘Damaged’ on arrival. They must notify The Coal Shop within 24 hours of receiving the goods to arrange refund or exchange. We recommend that you open the package by only removing the top layer of polythene to reveal the bags inside. From here a thorough inspection of the bags can be performed and a count of the exact number of damaged bags and quantity of product missing, including photos can be taken. Photos can be sent directly to our office via: [email protected] please include the purchaser’s name and address for reference.
If you wish to cancel the order you must return any goods which have already been dispatched at your own expense within 14 days of cancellation. We will reimburse all payments for goods within 14 days of receiving the goods back to our yard. It is the buyers responsibility to return goods and all good must be returned in full. If the products can not be returned by the customer themselves, we can potentially organise collections however the collection costs vary job to job and sometimes the costs can out way the cost of the products. Call 01782 570759 for more details.
At our discretion, we may allow items to be returned, the price upon refund may not be the same as the original price paid, some items may be subject to a minimum 20% handling charge.
Due to the nature of the product all our coal is stored outside by law and is bagged up to order which could mean some coal can arrive wet. Also due to the product being made up of natural materials the occurrence of slack is something that cannot be avoided. In these instances, we would be unable to accept returns.